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A construction products technologies company

We are inspired to influence how the world is built. We are dedicated to the development of high-performance products, the continued pursuit of advancement in construction technologies, simplifying the complexities of construction worldwide and delivering value to our customers.

Solving today’s construction challenges


Comender for Experts & Contractors Service

How often do you fly expert technicians around the country to fix complicated repairs? What if you could solve most of those complications in minutes instead of days, and without travel?

Ground Penetrating Radar Technology

This page is designed as a basic introduction to some of the key concepts of ground penetrating radar. Ground penetrating radar is also known as GPR, Georadar, and ground probing radar.

A GPR system is made up of three main components:

  • Control unit
  • Antenna
  • Power Supply

GSSI GPR equipment can be run with a variety of power supplies ranging from small rechargeable batteries to vehicle batteries and normal 110/220-volt. Connectors and adapters are available for each power source type. The unit in the photo above can run from a small internal rechargeable battery or external power.

Impact Applications design, develop and support enterprise software applications for the modern direct labour organisation and private contractor in the housing sector. Our flagship product is impactRESPONSE, the award-winning repairs and maintenance software which has helped many organisations achieve outstanding results in service delivery.

Whether you are looking to replace your legacy management systems, extend your existing functionality or implement your first fully integrated software solution, Impact Applications can advise on specification, procurement, implementation and the change management required to maximise your return on investment.

Impact Applications – experts in delivering web based and mobile applications

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