Cathodic Protection

Cathodic Protection

Cathodic protection reduces costs for future repair work and extends the life expectancy of concrete structure. Many reinforced concrete structures suffer from premature degradation, most commonly caused by chlorides. Today, cathodic protection is used by many building owners as an integrated part of the maintenance strategy for reinforced concrete structures.
Therefore, many reinforced concrete structures are prepared for installation of cathodic protection already during the construction in contrast to earlier, when cathodic protection was only used as a method of repair. In both cases, Cathodic protection efficiently stops ongoing corrosion and thus degradation of concrete structure.

The system is comprised mainly of anodes, power supply and control units.

We at Co-mender provide a full comprehensive service and supply wide range of anodes and equipment for existing and new structures as well as customized power supplies and control units.

See below our unique process for more protected concrete structures against potential corrosion of reinforcing bars in severe environments.

Our Process

Our involved team

Co-mender for Corrosion Mitigation

Contact us if you would like to have a full service agreement or you wish to learn more about how Co-mender is using its online platform and technologies to arrest corrosion of reinforcing bars and extend the life of your concrete structures

If you detect any defect in your Existing structure or During construction